What we Appreciate, Appreciates!

Appreciation is a powerful force. When it comes to deeper relationships, making lasting changes, and generating momentum, using appreciation yields compounded results. Just like money, whatever we appreciate, increases!

This concept comes from the Lightyear Leadership coaching principle, Appreciate Frequently and Specifically. Not only does it allow others in our life to feel deeply seen and recognized, it’s a profound way to talk to our own Selves and bridge inner connection and harmony.

The way this plays out for me is treating it like a mindfulness practice: when I’m giving thanks I remember to be as specific as I can finding something, or several things, that really stood out to me. With myself, throughout my pregnancy, I appreciated my brilliant body for creating, nourishing, and protecting our baby.

Other examples of how we can practice this:

  • Thanking a friend for carving out time in her day to go for a walk together because the fresh air and uplifting conversation really reenergized me

  • Appreciating myself for taking 15 minutes to tidy up the house because it helps me focus on my other work

  • Thanking a co-worker for the way he or she listened intently to a project idea without interjecting

While it may feel slightly uncomfortable or unfamiliar to use this technique this at first, notice the subtle or profound shift that may occur when you do. See if there’s a tangible shift in how you or the other person feels by taking time to recognize, share, and appreciate.

“Every time you praise something, every time you appreciate something, every time you feel good about something, you are telling the Universe, "More of this, Please." - Abraham Hicks