Leverage Your Strengths in Goal-Setting

If you are working on a goal, you want to begin to generate emotions of feeling confident and equipped. A great formula to support you is leveraging your internal strengths with external resources (such as a coach, setting up your environment, rewards, etc).

We all have strengths. Strengths are capacities that a person is instinctively good at and that energize them when practiced. They benefit us and others. In coaching, we leverage our strengths to overcome obstacles, increase positive emotions, confidence, and momentum around a goal.

It’s very helpful to have a coach or friend call out our strengths, however, we can also identify them on our own. One way to do this is by asking yourself:

“What am I currently doing to support my health and wellness?” 

“When was a time in my life where I was at my best with [exercise, organizing, relationships, etc.]?”

Now think about what you consider your top 2 strengths. These are things that come naturally to you and energize you. If you’ve never done this before here are a list of examples:

  • Empathy

  • Organization

  • Follow through

  • Humor

  • Focus

  • Consistency / Routine

  • Vision

  • Clear Communication

  • Grit / Perseverance

  • Creativity

  • Courage

  • Appreciation / Gratitude

  • Curiosity

  • Honesty

Write down your top 2-3 strengths. Now think of the specific goal you’d like to achieve. Examples:

  • Declutter my house

  • Launch my website

  • Lose 15 pounds

  • Run a half marathon

  • Save and travel to Bali

How can your strength of ________ help you achieve your goal of ________________?

I’ll give you a personal example:

I have a goal to lead a yoga retreat at a beautiful all-inclusive mountain location in 2025 with my husband. I believe I have strengths around vision, creativity and courage. Way’s I can leverage my strengths to help me achieve my goal:

  • Write a detailed vision statement specifically around this goal as if it’s already happened by Jan 31.

  • Creatively design a 4-day itinerary that feels energizing and exciting by Jan 31.

  • Travel to 3 different retreat venues with a list of questions to ask the property managers by June 15.

Because I’m crafting these mini-goals from a place of my strengths, I feel more connected to them and confident that I can achieve them. By following through on these steps, I’ll begin to generate more momentum and forward progress toward my goal!

Now it’s your turn! Identify your strengths, clarify your goal and brainstorm three different ways you can use your strengths to set action steps for yourself. Your goals matter! They are the vehicle to growing and gaining greater wisdom. Let me know if I can support you through 1:1 coaching!