10 Tips for Going Plant-Based*

My husband and I have been eating a primary plant-based for the past 7 years. My philosophy with just about everything is balance and when it comes to food, I focus on listening to my body. While I may eat turkey on Thanksgiving, drink bone broth for healing or have some steak when I’m back home and my Dad is grilling, we find that sticking to mainly non-animal foods works for our active lifestyle.

If you’re making the transition, you can do it if you’re willing to adopt flexibility, grace and recommitment. For me, it’s never been a black and white, fully in or fully out journey and I offer that to you, especially in the beginning of your plant-based journey.

Here are my 10 nuggets of wisdom:

  1. Know why you’re going plant-based. Get clear on your why(s) so that it’s fully your decision.

  2. Don’t be rigid. Balance and flexibility friends.

  3. Only buy good fuel. You will not eat what you don’t buy.

  4. Find a plant-based cookbook and memorize some recipes.

  5. Learn how to make a great peanut sauce! (It goes with so much!)

  6. Always have rice, quinoa, beans and potatoes.

  7. Utilize a crock pot or insta pot. I do almost daily.

  8. Master the veggie taco or burrito.

  9. Cook at home! It saves money to buy lots of avocados!

* We currently eat eggs and fish on the regular too