Success is ...? You Decide!

Who defines “success”? Our parents, society, our peers? The truth is, each of us have a choice to define what success is for us. It’s not a one-size-fits-all kind of thing, however, it’s likely that most people are living with an idea or belief of what success “should” be.

Try this:

Write down a list of things that feel like success to you. Perhaps, financial freedom is part of your list AND what else is on there? Deep relationships? Great sleep? Success is unique to each person because we have unique values, interests, and goals!

What’s important is that you know what success feels and looks like for you. If you don’t define it, someone else or something else will.

Here’s what feels like success to me right now with who I am right now:

Blessing and savoring my food

Helping someone see their worth

Calling my parents to catch up

Running in a beautiful place with Kyle

Being a mother

Seeing my family often

Clarifying my zone of genius

Practicing gratitude daily

Being able to buy fresh food

Building a business that serves my highest calling

Being able to sit still

Know what feels like a Yes and No in my body

Listening generously

Being present on phone calls

Feeling energized each morning

Finding my routine with sleep/wake up

Having friends over for a homegrown dinner

Having beautiful rituals for each season

Being able to speak my truth

Your turn, what is success to you at this stage in your life? Go!