5 Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Your Vision

Creating a vision from the future is crucial for creating the foundation for our goals. They are powerful vehicles for guidance and growth. Often they look like a glance into the future or a snapshot of our life that serves as a north star to direct us on our way.

To do this we must recruit our imagination. Visions often include a setting we’re in, something we see or hear, perhaps other people, and give us insight into what we’re up to in the future.

As you cultivate your own vision-writing practice, keep in mind these 5 mistakes to avoid.

1 - Planning. Avoid using your planning brain. In our mind today we can get hung up on so many limitations. Instead use your imaginative brain and leap wayyy out there - ten or even 20 years- and open to what is possible for you and your life there.

2 - Fixing. You are already fully enough. No amount of vision work will replace feeling worthy and whole now. A vision doesn’t aim to “fix” our lives in any way, it serves to inspire and excite us so that we can take the actions aligned to it.

3 - Forcing. Avoid writing your vision when you’re anxious, depressed, sad or simply not feeling your best. Give yourself time and space and be mindful of soul-touching glimpses and downloads from the universe in random moments.

4 - Oversharing. Only share your vision with people who have the capacity to see it with you. I believe visions are beautiful and sacred so treat yours with tender love and care. <3

5 - Grasping. Holding on too tightly. There have been times where I became too attached to my vision and caused a lot of undue suffering. This is a beautiful practice of seeing it, creating it, feeling it and then holding it with open hands.